Check out the features

Check out the features

Create and Manage leads

You can create new leads or convert a existing user or client as a lead

Filter Leads

You can filter the leads based on date, lead status, products interested etc

Quick search

You can quickly search the lead by typing their contact information like email, name, phone etc

Send custom followup messages

You can send custom followup messages to all your leads in one click.

Assign follow up templates

You can assign follow up templates to individual leads. This way you will make sure that your leads are not getting irritated by constant daily reminders. You can decide the days on which you will be sending the messages. You can choose to send the messages on day 1,2,4, 6, 10, 15 etc

Automated follow-ups

You dont even have to worry about the follow-ups .. the followup messages will be instantly sent to your leads on a set time in the settings area. example.. you can choose to send the followup messages at 10 am in the morning.

Save notes and tasks

You can Save notes and tasks for your leads and Clients. This will make it easy to carry out your dialy tasks on priority basis

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1000000 45000 lifetime